专用集成电路与系统国家重点实验室讲座信息 题 目:Automating Generation of Reconfigurable Sequential Monte Carlo Designs 报告人:Professor Wayne Luk (英国帝国理工) 时 间:2014年8月13日上午9:30-11:00 地 点:张江校区微电子楼369室 Abstract This talk introduces an approach for automating efficient implementation of reconfigurable designs for Sequential Monte Carlo (SMC) applications. The proposed approach consists of a parametrisable SMC computation engine, and an open-source software template which enables efficient mapping of a variety of SMC designs to reconfigurable hardware. Design parameters that are critical to the performance and to the solution quality are tuned using a machine learning algorithm based on surrogate modelling. Experimental results for several case studies show that design performance can be substantially improved after parameter optimisation. The proposed design flow demonstrates its capability of producing reconfigurable implementations have significant improvement in speed and in energy efficiency over optimised CPU and GPU implementations.
Biography Dr Wayne Luk is Professor of Computer Engineering at Imperial College London. He founded and leads the Computer Systems Section and the Custom Computing Group in Department of Computing, and was Visiting Professor at Stanford University and Queen's University Belfast. His research interests include reconfigurable computing, field-programmable technology, and design automation. He developed hardware compilation techniques based on syntax-directed translation, pipeline vectorization, and source-level transformation; he contributed to optimizations for run-time reconfiguration, custom instruction processors, and programmable embedded-block architecture for field-programmable devices. He received many awards at international conferences, including FPL (2004, 2007, 2008, 2010), ERSA (2004), FPT (2005, 2008), ASAP (2008), SAMOS (2008), and SPL (2008, 2009). He led a team winning two Platform Grants from UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council, and a Research Excellence Award from Imperial College. He is a Fellow of the IEEE and a Fellow of the BCS. He received his MA, MSc and DPhil degrees from University of Oxford. |