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讲座信息:Understanding Delta-Sigma ADCs


题  目: Understanding Delta-Sigma ADCs
报告人: Prof. Dr. Richard Schreier
时    间: 1st Dec. 2014 2:00pm-3:30pm
地  点: 微电子楼389会议室
Delta-sigma (DS) analog-to-digital converter (ADC) technology continues to grow in both application range and knowledge base. As the available bandwidth has increased from a few kHz to a few MHz and now hundreds of MHz, delta-sigma converters have spread from being the converter of choice in instrumentation and audio applications to being the converter of choice for cellular handsets and are now poised to become the converter of choice for digitizing entire cellular bands. This growth in application range is driven by advances in CMOS technology and in delta-sigma technology. The goal of this talk is to expose the audience to a few of the riches within the delta-sigma world.

The discrete-time first-order DS modulator, MOD1, introduces the concepts of inherent linearity and quantization noise shaping while the continuous-time MOD1-CT introduces inherent anti-aliasing. MOD2 is presented as a recursive version of MOD1 and a brief audio demo contrasts the two systems. MODn and a generic single-loop modulator close the introductory material. The intermediate-level material examines continuous-time and bandpass DS ADCs and includes a description of, and measurement results for, the highly-programmable AD6676 continuous-time bandpass ADC. The last section of the talk drives home the breadth of delta-sigma technology with material on multi-stage DS ADCs, quadrature DS ADCs and mismatch-shaping.


Richard Schreier is a Senior Design Engineer in the High Speed Converters group of Analog Devices. He received a Ph.D. from the University of Toronto in 1991 and was a Professor at Oregon State University from 1991-1997.    From 1997 to 2007 he worked out of the Wilmington, Massachusetts facility of Analog Devices but has since moved to ADI's Toronto design center. He is the author of the freeware delta-sigma toolbox for MATLAB, co-editor (with S.R. Norsworthy and G.C Temes) of "Delta-Sigma Data Converters," co-author (with G.C. Temes) of "Understanding Delta-Sigma Data Converters," and a recipient of the 2002 ISSCC Lewis Winner Best Paper Award as well as the 2006 ISSCC Beatrice Winner Award. He has lectured extensively on the high-level design of delta-sigma converters, including more than 10 years of participation in various MEAD courses and in short courses offered at CICC and ISSCC.

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