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讲座信息:Pushing the Envelope of Energy Efficiency, Linearity, and Throughput of Mm-Wave Front-End for 5G Massive MIMO Systems



Pushing the Envelope of Energy Efficiency, Linearity,
and Throughput of Mm-Wave Front-End for 5G Massive MIMO Systems

Professor Hua Wang from Georgia Institute of Technology

时  间:2017年10月17日周二10:00
地  点:张江校区微电子楼369室


This talk will present multiple mm-wave front-end circuits recently developed at Dr. Hua Wang's Georgia Tech Electronics and Micro-System (GEMS) lab to address various stringent requirements on energy efficiency, linearity, throughput, and latency of 5G massive MIMO systems. The first design is a 28/37/39GHz multiband linear Doherty power amplifier that employs a new transformer-based Doherty combiner and a power-aware uneven feeding scheme to enhance the Doherty PA efficiency and carrier bandwidth. In the second design, we will present a 60GHz linear radiator element as an on-chip multi-feed antenna concurrently driven by 16 linear PAs. The multi-feed antenna is composed of a collection of electrically small radiators, which can be coherently driven through multiple feed points to simultaneously achieve low-loss on-antenna power combining, radiation impedance down-scaling, and boosts total output power in one single antenna footprint. The multi-feed antenna essentially can be modeled as a multi-port reciprocal and passive network. In the third and fourth designs, we will exploit this nature, and present a Doherty radiator with on-antenna active load modulation and a mm-Wave full-duplex system with on-antenna wideband signal isolation.

Hua Wang received his M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, in 2007 and 2009, respectively. He worked at Intel Corporation and Skyworks Solutions. He joined the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Georgia Institute of Technology as an assistant professor in 2012.
Dr. Wang is interested in innovating mixed-signal, RF, and mm-Wave integrated circuits and systems for a wide variety of wireless communication and radar applications.
Dr. Wang received IEEE MTT-S Outstanding Young Engineer Award in 2017, National Science Foundation CAREER Award in 2015, the 2016 Georgia Tech Sigma Xi Young Faculty Award, the 2014 DURIP Award sponsored by ARO, Georgia Tech ECE Outstanding Junior Faculty Member Award in 2015, and Lockheed Dean’s Excellence in Teaching Award in 2015. He currently holds the Demetrius T. Paris Junior Professorship of the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering. His research group Georgia-Tech Electronics and Micro-System (GEMS) lab has won multiple student paper awards and student designer awards, including the IEEE RFIC Best Student Paper Awards in 2014 (1st Place) and 2016 (2nd Place), the IEEE CICC Best Student Paper Awards (2nd Place) in 2015 and CICC Best Paper Award in 2017, the 2016 IEEE Microwave Magazine Best Paper Award, and the 2016 IEEE SENSORS Best Live Demo Award.
Dr. Wang is an Associate Editor of the IEEE Microwave and Wireless Components Letters (MWCL). He is a Technical Program Committee (TPC) Member for IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC), IEEE Radio Frequency Integrated Circuits Symposium (RFIC), IEEE Custom Integrated Circuits Conference (CICC), and IEEE Biopolar/BiCMOS Circuits and Technology Meeting (BCTM). He is a Steering Committee Member for IEEE RFIC and CICC. He serves as the Chair of the Atlanta’s IEEE CAS/SSCS joint chapter, which won the IEEE SSCS Outstanding Chapter Award in 2014.



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